Child support assessment

How Services Australia calculates the amount of child support you need to pay or receive.

What is a child support assessment

A child support assessment calculates the amount of money a separated parent needs to pay to the other parent, or to a non-parent carer of a child.

You can find out how Services Australia works out your assessment on their website. Or, learn more about child support and your options before you apply.

Who can get it

To get a child support assessment you must be either a:

  •  parent
  •  non-parent carer.

There are rules you need to meet to get an assessment. Find out more about your eligibility on the Services Australia website.

How to get it

You can apply for child support on the Services Australia website.

You may need to provide other documents. This may include a Child Support statutory declaration from the Services Australia website.

If you can't apply online

Call the Child Support Enquiry Line on the Services Australia website.

If you can’t apply for another reason

If you get Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and can’t apply for a child support assessment for any reason, call the Centrelink families line on the Services Australia website. There may be other options for you.

Learn more on the Services Australia website about why you need to apply for child support while you get FTB Part A.

Help in your language

Call Child Support on 131 272 to speak with someone in your language.

The Services Australia website also has information in more languages about Child Support.

Page last updated: 19 January 2024