Supporting someone with a mental illness

Find out how to support someone with a mental illness.

How to support someone

Mental health is complex and every situation is different, so it may take some time to figure out the best way to support someone. Find out more about how to support someone on the Head to Health website.

Suicide warning signs

While most people experiencing mental illness do not die by suicide, they may be at higher risk. You can help protect your loved ones by knowing the warning signs and what to do in an emergency.

Learn about suicide warning signs and what to do on the healthdirect website.

Caring for someone with a mental illness

There’s support available if you care for someone with a mental illness. Some of these links will take you away from myGov.

Looking after yourself

There can be challenges when balancing your own needs and supporting someone with a mental illness. There are resources that can help. These links will take you away from myGov.

Page last updated: 24 August 2023