Experiencing the death of a loved one

Find out what steps you may need to take after the death of a significant person in your life.

Dealing with the death of a family member or someone significant to you can be overwhelming. Having to deal with paperwork can add to the pressure. This information can help guide you through this distressing time.

What to do when a loved one has died

In the first weeks, there can be a lot of paperwork you need to complete for your loved one. This may include registering their death, organising a funeral and working through affairs.

Looking after yourself is important. Grief is an individual process which may affect your emotional, spiritual, physical and psychological health. You may wish to seek support as you learn to adjust to life without your loved one.

This information aims to help with the steps to take after a death.

When your loved one is diagnosed with terminal illness

If you have a loved one with a terminal illness, they can find support with end-of-life planning and caring options.

Page last updated: 12 June 2024